Posted on: October 22, 2021 Posted by: Kairi Comments: 0
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands trailer shows off tabletop gaming inspiration

It was revealed earlier this year during the summer Fest, Wonderlands Tiny Tina seems like a departure from the standard Borderlands formula. Today, we get a better idea about how big the departure is, because the first developer restrictions have lived with an idea of ​​how small Wonderlands Tina will play. In addition, a new diving trailer into detail such as battle, exploration, and even two character classes.

While Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is still very much shooter like the Borderlands game that comes before, Dev Diary today details several tweaks to the formula. Wonderlands Tiny Tina took inspiration from the border of 2 Tina Tina’s attack expansion for Dragon Keep, but also from Tabletop RPGs that have been popular for decades.

So, while the battle will mostly be centered around weapons and looting, players will also have spells and close-range weapons they have. Two characters are revealed today: Stabomancer and BRR-Zerker. Stabomancer has access to Ghost blade spells, which do damage area, and can use the mantra called the shadow to allow stealth mode and increase damage to the enemy from stealth.

BRR-Zerker, as the name suggests, carries a giant ax that damages enemy ice. Brr-zerker spells include wild attacks and Dreadwind, the first to be a slam leap attack and the latter is a whirlwind attack that is undoubtedly will get used to a barbarian, berkerker, and soldier.

In the current Dev Diary, the creative director Matt Cox explains that Wonderland Tina Tina will display overworld maps that must be explored by players. This map will include random meetings for fighting and optional areas to explore, with some of these areas having all their own multi-party searches. All random meetings will have the opportunity to provide a booty, so while it might be to miss them, you might want to participate in most of the battles you meet on the overworld map.

So, Wonderlands Tina Tina will stand out from the previous game in the border series, but even though we get spell weapons and close range and random meetings, the main focus will still shoot and loot. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands out on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Playstation 4, and Playstation 5 on March 25, 2022.

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